What is the Project about?
The architectural project consists in designing and building a workspace for the construction of protheses for the hospital "Centre medico-chirurgical de l'Ulcère de Buruli", in Bouaké on the Ivory Coast.

Where is the Building?
The project is located in Bouaké, the second largest city on the Ivory Coast. The Hospital and thus it's building site is located on the north-west city border in the district Konankankro.

What Hospital is it?
The hospital lead by the Vatelot foundation specialises on the Buruli Ulcer. It is a sickness that increasingly affects the population of Africa and statistically, mostly infests children.
The hospital and its workers dedicate their lives on saving the patients and accompany them during their long rehabilitation.
Sadly the sickness can result in amputation of contaminated extremities. Therefore the availability of protheses is a major help to the patients and brings them closer to a full rehabilitation and helps them to resolve their daily lives.
What is the goal of the project?
The main goal is to build the workspace that will result in improving the lives of the victims of the Buruli ulcer, while being sustainable and suiting the climate.
Furthermore, we want to introduce the construction method to the population and show them the possibilities of sustainable and affordable building.

What materials do we intend to use?
Local and sustainable materials will be used for the construction. CSEB (Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks) will be the main component of the building, since this material is versatile, energy-efficient, durable, economically viable and natural.